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Probill Quick Track

Jeffrey Lachance – 10 Years of Service

Mustang Freightways is proud to celebrate the 10th work anniversary of Jeffrey Lachance, our Calgary Terminal Manager. As the terminal manager, Jeffrey ensures all parts of our Calgary terminal operations are functional and operating at their full potential. 

All About Communication

“My primary duty is to help the entire team achieve its goal, and I do this by keeping a line of communication open between the various teams, shifts, and supervisors,” says Jeffrey when asked about the role of a terminal manager. “There are various operational parts in a terminal that are all connected, and my job is to ensure all departments have what they need from each other to perform their duties,” he adds.

Committed to Growth

Jeffrey desires to see himself and those he works with grow personally and professionally. “I’m always looking for opportunities to become better than I am, and I try to encourage those around me to do the same,” he says. “I organize regular training and set up growth plans for myself, my team of supervisors, and lead-hands. This helps us stay updated on terminal maintenance requirements and become better professionals.”

Exceeding Customer Expectations

“In all my years in the transportation industry, my goal has been to provide the highest quality of transportation services to our customers,” says Jeffrey. “I believe excellent customer service is the best way to keep them satisfied and engaged, so I ensure that is what we do… meeting all their needs with on-time, damage-free delivery.”

Because of people like Jeffrey on our team, Mustang Freightways has a 98.7% on-time delivery performance (which is really good, btw!), and we can also confidently say that we have a claims ratio well under the industry average.

Mustang is Home

When asked about working at Mustang Freightways, Jeffrey says the company is more like a home filled with amazing people throughout the company. “The people of Mustang make the company feel like home. So many people I work with have been here for years, and we have created a bond and an effective system of support and communication,” he says.

Dungeons & Dragons

On Friday nights, Jeffrey likes coordinating epic Dungeons & Dragons campaigns online. “I love to spend my Friday nights running a Dungeon & Dragons campaign online for people across the world,” he says when asked about some of his main hobbies. We here at Mustang think this sounds like a fun way to spend your Friday night, Jeffrey… or should we be addressing you as “Dungeon Master” from now on?

Kickin’ Back with the Fam

“I love spending time with my family any chance I get. On long weekends, I usually head out to the beautiful province of BC with my family and dog in tow; we have a great time!” Jeffrey happily informs us. “My daughter and I do a lot of crafts and reading together, and I play basketball with my son – these are some of my favourite things to do,” he concludes.

Just as Jeffrey’s family is proud of all he does for them, Mustang Freightways echoes that sentiment and is honoured to congratulate him on his 10th work anniversary with us. We look forward to many more!